Best Practice Guides


The following guide was part of the toolbox that was developed as part of ‘Teach Digital’ Erasmus+ funded project that introduced the main tenets of andragogy for adult education to educators (the TEACH part of the toolbox), including teaching strategies and case studies proven to be particularly effective in working with women from a migrant & ethnic minority background.
The publication contains 12 good practices identified by project partners including, Belgium, Denmark, Latvia, Spain, Ireland and the UK. The publication is accompanied by a guide containing 10 free tools/apps most useful for adult education, highlighting their strengths…


Through Enterprise guide aims to significantly improve the access to and quality of entrepreneurship education within the context of inclusion and diversity, so as to unlock the potential of migrant and refugee women. The Toolkit, assists you to:
1. Reach this demographic to inform them of the benefits of enterpreneurship training and
2. Teach this demographic separately from or in conjunction with host country nationals.


The best practice guide is aimed at practitioners who could engage and support migrant women in peer support activities. It provides a comprehensive description of the benefits of volunteering and peer support for migrant women, how to initiate a volunteering programme, and advice on how to approach important issues including safeguarding, training, documentation, communication and impact measurement.
